Monday, July 20, 2015


Max: Sawing wood for the wood pile. He's a great help to his dad.

Archie: Climbing boulders and rocks and hop, hop, hopping on flat ground. He's a delight to watch.

Joining in with the 52 project


  1. Goodness me, Zena it must be cold down there. We had snow on Friday at Stanthorpe only a couple of hours away and we nearly froze in that icy wind. Thankfully it has now fizzled out and we are back to our nice sunny days after cool mornings.

  2. Lovely photos! I always love a rainbow hat! I think I need to get a new saw as one of my boys was getting super frustrated sawing wood the other day. Then I had a go and the saw was shocking!

  3. What cute boys you have! Kellie xx
